Fast Scarlet R Base

Fast Scarlet R Base

Product Name: Fast Scarlet R Base
CAS No.: 99-59-2
C. I. No.: 37130
Synonyms: 2 Amino 4 Nitro anisidine
2 Amino 4 Nitro anisole
2 Methoxy 5 Nitroaniline
4 Nitro 2 aminoanisole
4 Nitro 2 anisidine
Azo amine Scarlet K
Lake Orange G
Structure formula
Appearance: Bright orange powder
Decomposition Temperature: 200°C
Molecular Weight: 168
Melting Point: 116°C - 117°C
  1. In Manufacturing of Fast Scarlet RC base
  2. Also has wide usage in Dyestuff & Dye Intermediate.
  3. Dyeing of cotton fabrics with various naphthols to obtain more than 15 shades.
